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Dr. Evgeny Onischenko

Associate Professor, group leader


My main tasks in the group are design of research projects and supervision of students. But I also try to do some benchwork whenever possible to advance our knowledge of how cells make and break protein assemblies. I also teach courses in biochemistry and molecular biology.


- 2000 Diploma in Biology at the Novosibirsk State University

- (2001 - 2006) PhD thesis in the lab of Einar Hallberg (Karolinska Institure). Mitotic dynamics of the nuclear envelope in higher eukaryotes.

- (2007 - 2013) Postdoc in the lab of Karsten Weis (University of California at Berkeley). Genetic and biochemical analysis of Nuclear Pore Complexes assembly in budding yeast.

- (2014 - 2019) Research Associate in the lab of Karsten Weis (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). Development of mass-spectrometry based techniques to analyse time-evolution of protein complexes.

- since 2019 group leader and Associate Professor at the Department for Biological Sciences at the University of Bergen. The group studies dynamics of cellular protein complexes, with a specific focus on the nuclear pore complex assembly and function of the proteostasis network.


Thormølens gate 53 A/B, Bergen, 5006

+47 55 58 44 23 

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