Onishchenko Lab
Dynamics of cellular proteome

Each cell must keep millions of protein molecules properly functional and avoid accumulating damaged proteins. Our group uses tools ranging from genetics to quantitative mass spectrometry and mathematical modelling to understand how cells maintain functionality of their proteomes
Focus areas:
Analysis of protein interactions
Methods to analyse temporal changes in multi-protein complexes
Investigating dynamics of the proteostasis network
Analysis of nuclear pore complex biogenesis
Dultz, E., Wojtynek, M., Medalia, O., and Onischenko, E. (2022). The Nuclear Pore Complex: Birth, Life, and Death of a Cellular Behemoth. Cells 11. Full text
Kralt, A., Wojtynek, M., Fischer, J.S., Agote-Aran, A., Mancini, R., Dultz, E., Noor, E., Uliana, F., Tatarek-Nossol, M., Antonin, W., Onischenko E., Medalia, O. and Weis, K. (2022) An amphipathic helix in Brl1 is required for nuclear pore complex biogenesis in S. cerevisiae. eLife11:e78385. Full text